Finally read Starve Acre last week, and it was really well done and I was able to borrow it from the public library, which is pretty amazing, since our library system is a bit short on horror. I loved it and have his newest book waiting to be consumed. Yum!
That’s brilliant! So glad you liked it, Grimalkin! Definitely going to read the rest, but going through Anne Rice’s ‘The Vampire Lestat’ first.
Finally read Starve Acre last week, and it was really well done and I was able to borrow it from the public library, which is pretty amazing, since our library system is a bit short on horror. I loved it and have his newest book waiting to be consumed. Yum!
That’s brilliant! So glad you liked it, Grimalkin! Definitely going to read the rest, but going through Anne Rice’s ‘The Vampire Lestat’ first.
Another book to add to the shelf. Fantastic!
Haha. You’re welcome. Gonna try and make these recommendations a regular thing.
The Vorrh by Bruce Catling is absolutely weird and filled with compelling atmospheric writing
Ooh, yes! I’ve heard about that!
Just in time as I was looking for weird fiction to read - do u recommend the other 2 books ?
Not read them, so can't say. But based on the strength of 'Starve Acre' I'm DEFINITELY giving them a read.
No way! :D Really looking forward to the movie. Feel like Matt Smith's a great choice, a really subtle actor.