WOW - absolutely excellent article, Alec! For all seasoned and aspiring writers, this is essential reading for us all :)

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Thanks, Samuel. Figure it's a handy piece for me to have around. So I can point people in its direction instead of trying to organise thoughts on the spot. :D

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Straight up mate! I'll definitely be signposting people to it when they ask where to start with writing :)

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I appreciate the shoutout, my friend!

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You are very welcome, Cole!

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What a fantastic and inspiring read. 🙏

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Thanks a lot, Paolo. Hope there's something in there that helps. :)

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It's definitely not just a piece just for beginning authors! I am a career journalist and editor, finishing my fourth novel, and I found many great reminders and new ideas to mull over. Kudos

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Thank you.

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You are more than welcome, Faenon!

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Such a great read - thank you!

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You're welcome, Harvey. No problem!

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The Labyrinth bits were great touches too - helped to balance out the very real stuff

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