Hey, weirdos!
This month’s schedule has got me tangled up scripting something in the region of 150 pages of comics for three different publishers (plus a little copywriting to add spice to the deadline mix), which means – for the first time since I launched this newsletter – I’m unable to put out an original article this month.
However, here’s three little-seen articles from the very early days of Agent of Weird, unearthed from the depths of the vault.
“I Want You To Stop Me!” dissects the dreadful allure of the helpless monster with examples from two excellent horror movies, The Black Phone and The Menu, whose villains are all the more terrifying for having an awful method to their seeming madness.
The Four Techniques of a Truly Scary Horror Comic is a super in-depth piece that explains how comic writers can go beyond the banalities of gore by mastering the key techniques of Atmosphere, Pacing, Imagery and Concept, with examples from Hellboy, Junji Ito and classic British horror comic Scream!
Finally, a broader, more personal piece – my very first for AoW – Why Writers Are Full of Shit (And Why We Have to Be). Image is key to a writer’s success. It gets us contracts, readers and agents. ‘Brand’ (ugh!) is everything. Yet this drive to fictionalise ourselves has become as poisonous as it has compulsory. Worse still, it perpetuates harmful myths to young, incoming talent.
Elsewhere, I’m on a bit of a sword and sorcery trip at the moment. Black Beth recently got a gorgeous Greek edition from Jemma Press. Our Athenian artist Dani was overjoyed to see her co-creation translated into her mother tongue.
You can read about how Dani and me brought this heroic fantasy heroine back from the dead right here…
I’m also currently reading Flame and Crimson, a superbly comprehensive history of sword and sorcery fiction by Brian Murphy, which has got me hyped to write an Agent of Weird piece about the potential future of the genre. (Especially since I’m planning to write some S&S fiction of my own this year.)

My Hawk the Slayer sequel - The Last of Her Kind - was recently announced by legendary British anthology comic 2000 AD. Looking forward to sharing some of the stunning pages I’ve seen from Simon Coleby (The Authority, Judge Dredd, Batman).
Crom only knows when this ten-parter will be out, but I’m planning to write an Agent of Weird piece next month defiantly entitled What Hawk the Slayer Got Right!

Until then…
Stay weird!
To read more about me, my books, comics and other projects, click right here on my LINKTREE.
Dude - I didn't know you were writing a Hawk The Slayer sequel comic! Badass. (Let's do a feature on Rediscovered Realms when you're ready). Also, cool re-skinned Greek cover for Black Beth. That "Flame and Crimson" book on S&S sounds great - I'm going to look for it right now!